Privacy Policy and GDPR:
PassionForColors stores personal information; name, postal address, email and SMS number (not any personal or social security numbers) in a register when you place an order in our web shop.
We store two copies of your order. We do not use the information for anything else but processing your order and we protect them by following if our site would be subject to any hacking activities in which case we will report it to “Datainspektionen”/the section of cyber security. We keep your order in order to comply with the Accounting law where records of buyers need to be kept for 7 years. Payment information such as credit card information is not stored or processed by PassionForColors. Payments are handled by Klarna or PayPal. You can pay securely by all major credit cards or through a PayPal account. It is our belief that Klarna and PayPal offer secure and encrypted payment solutions.
If you have signed up for our newsletter you will receive these. You can at any point in time choose not to receive the newsletters in the future and then your data will be deleted before the next newsletter is going out.
We use cookies in order to; follow the number of visitors to our site and track which products are the most popular by measuring the number of times they are shown. All this analysis is made from anonymous information, we cannot see who you are or what you have looked at. Your privacy is of utmost importance to us, and you are completely anonymous until you place an order.
Your address and contact information are only used to deliver your order and send an order confirmation. 14 days after your purchase, you should not receive any information from us, unless you have signed up for our newsletter or there is an outstanding question regarding the shipment of your order. We will not share or sell any list with customer information to any third parties. If you have emailed us a question and we have answered, we will delete your information from our email conversation.
DHL has a copy of your name, address and SMS number. The information is used to create and print the dispatch advices. These databases are password protected. No external party has access to this information.
Our websites etc may contain links to other websites which are outside of our control and are not covered by this privacy policy. If you access other sites by using the links provided, the operators of these sites may collect information from you which will be used by them in accordance with their privacy policy which may differ from ours.
Social media, the information we get access to if you follow or comment our posts, is only the information you have approved from your side with Facebook and Instagram.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding how we handle and protect your information, pls let us know
It is our absolute intent and conviction that you should be able to go through the different parts of our site and shop without having to register yourself. You surf anonymously.
Selling legal entity is
XploreBiz AB, Stockholm, org number 556935-5448, Sweden.